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One-euro-jobs and wage subsidies for employers: will subsidized employment improve social participation?


"Long-lasting unemployment can be detrimental to the social participation and integration of the unemployed. Using the example of two different programmes - the so - called 'One-Euro-Jobs', a workfare measure paying benefit recipients an additional allowance between one and two Euros per hour, and the so-called 'Employment Subsidy' (Beschäftigungszuschuss), a programme paying wage subsidies to employers - we investigate whether subsidized employment can contribute to improving long-term unemployed persons' chances of social participation. We show that subsidized employment can improve the social participation of programme participants especially in those cases, where the programmes bear similarity to regular employment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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Christoph, B., Gundert, S., Hirseland, A., Hohendanner, C., Hohmeyer, K. & Ramos Lobato, P. (2015): Ein-Euro-Jobs und Beschäftigungszuschuss: Mehr soziale Teilhabe durch geförderte Beschäftigung? (IAB-Kurzbericht 03/2015), Nürnberg, 8 p.


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