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Establishments in competition for labour : requirements, shortages and recruitment processes in Germany


"What kind of labour is being sought in Germany? Are there already difficulties in meeting the demand? If so, which branches and regions does this concern? And: In which professions are qualified workers especially scarce?<br> This volume provides an overview of the current demand for labour and the shortages that exist on the German labour market. The focus is on the in-house requirement for qualified labour.<br> In addition, topical chapters deal with key aspects of the topic of qualified labour and attempt to answer the following questions on the basis of deeper analyses:<br> - Do small and medium-sized establishments have a chance when competing with large establishments for the best employees?<br> - What significance is placed on women and older employees when covering the demand for qualified workers?<br> - How willing are establishments to train or further train the qualified labour that they need?<br> - Do establishments with a higher degree of innovative activity have a special need for particular kinds of workers?<br> - What role do working conditions play in the attractivity of jobs?" (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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Czepek, J., Dummert, S., Kubis, A., Leber, U., Müller, A. & Stegmaier, J. (2015): Betriebe im Wettbewerb um Arbeitskräfte. Bedarf, Engpässe und Rekrutierungsprozesse in Deutschland. (IAB-Bibliothek 352), Bielefeld: Bertelsmann, 210 p. DOI:10.3278/300872w

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