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Discussion of the contribution of Jürgen Jerger: Institutions and historical borders


The contribution by Jürgen Jerger, on which this discussion is based, revolves around the influence of historic borders on the informal institutions of the present. 'The basic assumption is that formal institutions influence informal institutions over the course of time', and that these continue to have an effect even when borders shift. Building on this, the author then sketches a further channel of effect: 'Formal and informal institutions at the national level or in other parts of the country can learn from historical experiences in a specific part of the country.' An example can be drawn from the 'Code Napoleon' which continues to influence the judicial systems in many European countries up to the present day. Hereafter, the author examines the influence of informal institutions of the past on formal institutions of the present, along with the emergence of national states and their borders. (IAB)

Cite article

Brücker, H. (2014): Korreferat zu dem Beitrag von Jürgen Jerger: Institutionen und historische Grenzen. In: T. Apolte (Hrsg.) (2014): Transfer von Institutionen (Schriften des Vereins für Socialpolitik. N.F., 340), p. 77-84.