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Demographic change and the labour market: a shortage of qualified staff and employee reserves in Germany


"On the basis of findings and projections that are already available, this current contribution shows how the potential in employees will probably change over the coming years; which employees will be in demand in the future; and what reserves in employees Germany still has. The contribution goes on to present projections on the development of the population and on worker potential. After this, the tendencies in particular economic sectors as well as in-house requirements as regards the qualification of staff are discussed. The domestic reserves of employees are then analysed. In particular, the discussion examines what contribution a higher participation in employment on the part of women and older persons can make in the attempt to alleviate a conceivable shortage of qualified staff." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku)

Cite article

Fuchs, J. (2015): Demografischer Wandel und Arbeitsmarkt: Fachkräftemangel und Personalreserven in Deutschland. In: A. Weber, L. Peschkes & W. de Boer (Hrsg.) (2015): Return to Work - Arbeit für alle : Grundlagen der beruflichen Reintegration, p. 74-83.