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Zur Einführung eines gesetzlichen Mindestlohns im öffentlichen Dienst in Sachsen-Anhalt


"The draft law of the parliamentary party Bündnis 90/Die Grünen (Alliance 90/The Greens) of the State Parliament of Saxony-Anhalt (printed document 6/1804 of the State Parliament of Saxony-Anhalt of 13.2.2013) aims at the implementation of a uniform minimum wage in Saxony-Anhalt for employees of the State, towns and communities, all remaining legal bodies of public law, public establishments and publically subsidised establishments as well as establishments that are public contractors.<br> The minimum wage is to be at least 8.50 euros. The exact level is to be determined each year by a Minimum Hourly Wage Commission that is to consist of two representatives of the employers and employees respectively, as well as one representative from academia, and is to be determined according to certain stipulations.<br> In its Statement, IAB summarises the current state of the discussion on a uniform minimum wage as well as its potential effects. The effects on employment and wage distribution are the focal point here. IAB does not undertake a legal assessment.<br> IAB comes to the conclusion that, in view of the long-term decline of collective wage agreements in Germany, a general statutory minimum wage can support both the tariff system as well as individually agreed wages as a lower limit. It would thus be possible to reduce the fiscal burden, as the income of those receiving low wages often has to be subsidised.<br> However, it is decisive to use sound judgement in setting the level of the minimum wage in order to avoid unintended negative employment effects. A regional differentiation in the minimum wage would take into account the differences in economic conditions and employment perspectives in Germany. The differentiation should not be on too small a scale, however. In the light of international experience, special regulations are also recommendable for those groups of people who find it difficult to gain access to the labour market." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

Cite article

Stops, M. & Vom Berge, P. (2013): Zur Einführung eines gesetzlichen Mindestlohns im öffentlichen Dienst in Sachsen-Anhalt. Effekte eines einheitlichen Mindestlohns auf Beschäftigung und Lohnverteilung. Öffentliche Anhörung des Ausschusses für Arbeit und Soziales des Landtags von Sachsen-Anhalt am 9. Oktober 2013. (IAB-Stellungnahme 04/2013), Nürnberg, 19 p.


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