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Voluntary extended unemployment insurance - more protection for the self-employed: a quantum of solace


"Self-employed are vulnerable in many concerns, especially in the case of solo-self-employment or one-person-units. In Germany, a new voluntary unemployment insurance for self-employed was introduced in February 2006, to close this gap in the social security system. With register data from the German Federal Employment Agency combined with survey data of more than 7,300 business founders we analyze the utilization of the insurance option and the determinants of its usage. The voluntary extended insurance option as part of unemployment insurance generally is a reasonable supplement of the existing social-political instrumentation. As far as this can be reproduced from the database, the option is used mainly in line with the objectives." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

Cite article

Evers, K., Schleinkofer, M. & Wießner, F. (2013): Freiwillige Arbeitslosenversicherung für Existenzgründer: Etwas mehr Sicherheit. (IAB-Kurzbericht 12/2013), Nürnberg, 8 p.


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