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The effectivity of subsidized further occupational training of persons receiving means-tested unemployment benefit (ALG II) in Germany


"The aim of promoting further occupational training is to increase chances of employment and this also applies to those receiving means-tested unemployment benefit (ALG II). In addition, this hoped-for subsequent employment is intended to avoid the necessity of persons having to draw means-tested unemployment benefit. Using data from the Federal Employment Agency, findings are now available on the labour market success and the receipt of means-tested unemployment benefit by those promoted and who entered such a measure at the beginning of the year 2005, that is, directly after the introduction of Book II of the Social Code (SGB II)." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku)

Cite article

Kruppe, T. (2013): Effektivität geförderter beruflicher Weiterbildung von Arbeitslosengeld-II-Empfängern in Deutschland. In: Freie Bildung und Erziehung, Vol. 89, No. 1, p. 22-24.


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