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Organisation and financing of qualification measures and further training during the life course : expertise on behalf of the the Department of Economic and Social Policy of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation


"The current discussion on the necessity of qualification measures and further training is generally meeting with approval. Within the deliberations on an employment insurance, new forms of financing are also being considered. However, financing and organisational forms engender selective effects that are both desirable and not desirable. A legal entitlement to further training and to a (second) vocational training would be an important step towards a new culture of learning and should in particular include the possibility of achieving (further) schooling qualifications, even in later phases of life, and perhaps also of completing an initial training or of studying later than normal. Such a legal entitlement, in combination with well-devised incentives, could also help to reduce the existing marked differences in the participation in further training between employees and the unemployed and also between persons with higher and those with minimal qualifications." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku)

Cite article

Kruppe, T. (2012): Organisation und Finanzierung von Qualifizierung und Weiterbildung im Lebensverlauf. Expertise im Auftrag der Abteilung Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. (WISO Diskurs), Bonn, 28 p.


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