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Soziales Kapital und Distinktion in der Wohnungswahl deutscher Expatriates in Singapur


"Using Pierre Bourdieu's theoretical ideas, this article analyses the practices of expatriate finance managers in choosing residences in Singapore. The focus is on the relevance of specific images of urban quarters and of managers' experiences in urban locations. Both images and experiences are considered to be related to a manager's position in a social field. Managers have a specific social capital that is expressed by their inclusion into local expatriate networks and their performing practices of distinction. The article is based on empirical data collected in interviews and on observations." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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Meier, L. (2013): Soziales Kapital und Distinktion in der Wohnungswahl deutscher Expatriates in Singapur. In: Internationales Asien-Forum, Vol. 44, No. 3-4, p. 325-344.