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Why we need more and better daycare centres : on the relation between early childhood care and skilled labour potential


"This work is concerned with the special significance of extra-familial care and education services in daycare centres (incl. nurseries) for the short-term and long-term increase in the supply of skilled employees. Based on numerous findings from brain research, psychology, educational science, sociology and economics, it will be demonstrated that government investments in extra-familial care lead to particular high individual and economic returns and that - at a high supply quality - they can perform three functions at the same time: a) they ensure a long-term improvement of the qualification level of the population, because they increase educational opportunities and promote the individual ability and disposition to learn in a sustainable way, b) they increase the labour supply in the long term via higher birth rates and c) they already increase the supply in the short term by a possible extension of the employment scope of mothers and fathers. The dissertation will then show by means of comprehensive data that the current state of this expansion in Germany is inadequate both regarding the number of places offered in daycare centres and regarding their quality. In particular, there are currently neither binding quality criteria nor is the quality of the care services evaluated. In this context it will also be discussed that the average quality of publicly funded private daycare services is comparatively low and that they are therefore no substitution for professional services in daycare centres. Due to inadequate investments in this field of education, up to now a considerable growth potential has been given away. Considering the increasing relative shortage of skilled workers, Germany can certainly not forego this potential if economic success and the funding of the solidary systems are to be guaranteed for the future as well." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

Cite article

Kettner, A. (2012): Warum wir mehr und bessere Kitas brauchen. Zum Zusammenhang von frühkindlicher Betreuung und Fachkräftepotenzialen. (IAB-Bibliothek 338), Bielefeld: Bertelsmann, 117 p. DOI:10.3278/300786w

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