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The Utilisation and Design of Training Measures Within the Scope of the Social Code II : the Perspective of Job Placement Officers


"Aptitude evaluation and training measures are part of the standard instruments of active labour market policy. Since the introduction of the basic income support (unemployment benefit II), they are also available for the promotion of employable recipients of unemployment benefit II. This type of measure is highly important in terms of numbers. In 2007, about half of all entries into training measures (roughly one million, according to statistics of the Federal Employment Agency 2008a, 2008b) were taken for employable people in need. From a comparison of entry numbers of all labour-market-political instruments it can be derived that training instruments are among the most frequent measures for employable people in need, second only to the so-called employment occasions. In the light of the principle of 'support plus obligations', it must be asked which particular aims and contents are related to the training measures and what integration effects can be attained thereby. While the effect of training measures on labour market transitions (entries) by recipients of unemployment benefit II has been investigated in various studies, little is known yet about the previous processes and selection measures in the local joint agencies of employment administration and local authorities. Which selection criteria and aims are important to job placement officers when they apply training measures? Are there specific problems in the promotion of target groups such as under 25-year-olds or hard-to-place people? Are there emphases in the selection of the places where training measures are carried out? What is the significance of aptitude tests and theoretical qualification, aimed at the matching of employers and employees, as compared to the diagnosis of clients' willingness to job placement? And last but not least: How is the quality of programmes ensured? To gain further information on these aspects, the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) conducted a study in mid 2008 that explores the application of training measures for recipients of unemployment benefit II. This report provides information on first descriptive findings." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku)

Cite article

Achatz, J., Eberle, J., Jozwiak, E., Popp, S. & Schels, B. (2009): Einsatz und Ausgestaltung von Trainingsmaßnahmen im Rechtskreis SGB II. Die Perspektive von Vermittlungsfachkräften. (IAB-Ergebnisbericht), Nürnberg, 17 p.


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