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Labour market handbook 2013 : Analyses, data, facts


"Up to now the German labour market has resisted the economic slump in the wake of the global financial crisis, as well as the distortions caused by the Euro crisis. In contrast to other European countries, the trend here is for unemployment to decline while employment is growing. What are the causes? What role did the labour market reforms and the crisis management after the Lehman Crash play? And to what extent is the job boom due to an expansion in atypical employment relationships?<br> The 'Handbuch Arbeitsmarkt 2013' (Labour Market Handbook 2013) offers a comprehensive stocktaking of the German labour market. It sketches developments since 2006, analyses short- and long-term perspectives, and summarizes political decisions relevant to the labour market from the aspect of time and in detail. This issue deals in depth with two current and central topics:<br> - Transitions into employment and their significance for the quality of work, and<br> - the results of the recent economic upturn as well as the future decline in labour supply for skilled labour requirements.<br> Important keywords can be looked up using the extensive index. The data appendix on CD-ROM contains comprehensive, and partly internationally comparable, data on central indicators of the German labour market, including current parameters on basic income support. This is also available for downloading free-of-charge via the Internet." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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Brücker, H., Klinger, S., Möller, J. & Walwei, U. (eds.) (2012): Handbuch Arbeitsmarkt 2013. Analysen, Daten, Fakten. (IAB-Bibliothek 334), Bielefeld: Bertelsmann, 307 p., CD-ROM. DOI:10.3278/300776w