The labour market in the construction sector : 2011. Sectoral report
"The report was compiled on behalf of the Main Association of the German Construction Industry (Hauptverbandes der Deutschen Bauindustrie e.V.) and already represents the second publication in a series of sectoral reports about the German construction industry. It provides information on important indices of the labour market as regards the building sector. Here not only the status in 2011 is presented but - as far as data is available - also developments over the last decade. At the beginning there is an overview of developments in relation to persons in employment. On account of its particular significance for the building sector, self-employment is then taken into consideration. After this, an analysis of employment subject to social security contributions forms the central point of the first chapter. Here, after dealing with key areas of the economy, occupations, sizes of establishments, and regions, information on working time, gender, nationality and age structure gives a detailed overview of the building sector. Information on the development of gross wages over the last decade completes the analysis of employment subject to social security contributions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku)
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Grunau, P. (2012): Der Arbeitsmarkt im Bausektor 2011. Branchenbericht. Nürnberg, 97 p.