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Verknüpfung und Abgleiche von Unternehmensregisterdaten des Statistischen Bundesamtes mit Betriebsdaten des Instituts für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung


"The report presents the first results of combining an extract from the German Business Register System of the Federal Statistics Office with the Establishment-History-Panel (BHP) of the Institute for Employment Research (IAB). This was done in the context of the feasibility study 'Combined firm data for Germany' (KombiFiD). As well as the description of the single data records and their specific features, the portrayal of the results of the linked data formed the central point of the exposition. At the same time, particularly the structure of the combined data was addressed and first key figures at firm level were described. Furthermore, it indicates that the combined data shows a distinct higher analysis potential regarding cross section as also longitudinal section as opposed to the single data." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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Spengler, A. (2010): Verknüpfung und Abgleiche von Unternehmensregisterdaten des Statistischen Bundesamtes mit Betriebsdaten des Instituts für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung. (FDZ-Methodenreport 01/2010 (de)), Nürnberg, 32 p.


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