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Unsicherheit und betriebliche Weiterbildung


"Uncertainty as to returns plays a crucial role in plant-level investment decision making. The same also holds true for human capital investments such as further training for employees. Exploring this training relationship using plant-level data, we isolate the impact of uncertainty. Surprisingly, our analysis fails to uncover firm-size effects: smaller establishments do not in provide less training in the face of uncertainty. Yet there are differences between West and East Germany." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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Gerner, H. & Stegmaier, J. (2009): Unsicherheit und betriebliche Weiterbildung. Eine empirische Analyse der Weiterbildungsaktivität unter Unsicherheit in KMU und Großbetrieben. In: Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft No. Special Issue 6/2009, p. 135-163.