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Employment Trends in Bavaria in 2008 : Representative Analyses Based on the IAB Establishment Panel 2008. A Report to the Bavarian Ministry of Labour and the Bavarian Regional Directorate of the Federal Employment Agency.


Since the survey of 2001, the Federal State of Bavaria participates in the Establishment Panel of the Institute for Employment Research of the Federal Employment Agency by contributing a supplementary survey sample. The report is based on information from interviews with the owners or human resource managers of 1,202 Bavarian establishments. In particular, the following subjects are surveyed: 1. Structure and development of establishments and employment in Bavaria in 2008 (employment development, employment expectancies), 2. economic situation (2008) and expectancies for 2009 (volume of orders, perceived competitive pressure and expected profits for the year before, regional distribution of revenues, capacity utilisation and technological state of equipment, investments, innovations and their financing, effects of the financial crisis), 3. human resource structure (human resource structure by occupation groups, special forms of employment, part-time work, minor employment, "Midi" jobs, temporary employment, other special groups), 4. Labour turnover and human resource policy (hiring and layoffs, current search for staff, personnel requirements and personnel-related problems, binding to collective wage agreements and wages, continued vocational education and training), 5. elderly employees (shares of employees, employment schemes for the elderly), 6. promotion of women and equality of chances (gender differentiation in various important variables, women in leading positions, agreements on and measures of promotion of gender equality), 7. vocational education and training in Bavarian companies (situation of the training market in the survey year 2008, training according to companies' own information and of public records, supply and effective demand of vocational education and training, graduates of vocational education and training and continued employment after training), 8. working hours (weekly working hours, overtime hours and other instruments of working time regulation, working time/long-term accounting). The findings of the survey reveal that an end of the economic upswing is perceivable, but that, still, moderate optimism prevails. There is furthermore an attenuated increase within special forms of employment, and until autumn 2008, we record increased personnel requirement. Education figures have improved and working hours have been extended. There is little progress in the promotion of women and in measures of gender equality. Likewise, there are hardly any specific employment measures for the elderly. (IAB)

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Conrads, R., Kistler, E., Kundinger, J. & Trischler, F. (2009): Beschäftigungstrends im Freistaat Bayern 2008. Repräsentative Analysen auf Basis des IAB-Betriebspanels 2008. (Beschäftigungstrends im Freistaat Bayern 2008), Stadtbergen, 118 p.


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