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Temporary agency work: reasons - strategy - intensity


"Temporary agency work is one of the focal points of the 2010 wave of the IAB Establishment Panel Survey. The cross-sectional data from that year make the detailed analysis of the in-house use of temporary agency work possible. Together with the use of temporary agency work and the number of persons involved in temporary agency work on the reference date 30 June 2010, inquiries are also made about the use of temporary agency work over the last two years. If an establishment answered 'Yes' to the question: 'Were there temporary agency employees working at your establishment/office over the last two years?', further questions were asked about the reasons for using such labour. This article is structured as follows: First, descriptive analyses mirror the incidence of temporary agency work. Two questions - Which application strategies for the use of temporary agency work play a role? and What connection with the motives for using such labour emerges? - follow on from this. This also allows the examination of the relationship between individual strategies and in-house characteristics. A central component of this article is the empirical verification of the proposition that the intensity of use of temporary agency work is dependent upon the reasons for using it. The article closes with a discussion of the evidence found and the implications arising from this." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku) ((en))

Cite article

Evers, K. (2012): Zeitarbeit: Gründe - Strategie - Intensität. In: R. B. Bouncken, M. Bornewasser & L. Bellmann (Hrsg.) (2012): Die neue Rolle der Zeitarbeit in Deutschland (Beiträge zur Flexibilisierung, 03), p. 55-73.