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A System for All the Employable in Need? The Social Code II and its Links to Other Chapters of Social Legislation


"With the consolidation of unemployment benefits and social aid to the new basic income support for employment-seeking persons, a uniform system for all employable persons in need was meant to be installed. On grounds of political controversy, however, the new income support is implemented in three different institutional models. An evaluation was carried out to reveal which model is suited best. In the evaluation it was inquired, amongst other things, in how far the introduction of the basic income support yielded new links of unemployment insurance to other social assistance systems, how these influence employment-seeking persons' transitions into employment, and how these links differ across the three models of implementation. This article presents results of the evaluation. It was revealed that, especially for three groups of clients, the result is a costly and client-unfriendly double responsibility of authorities. These three groups are adolescents, persons in rehabilitation, and persons receiving top-up unemployment benefits (ALG I and supplementary ALG II). This goes for all three organisation models, if to different extents." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku)

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Oschmiansky, F. & Kaps, P. (2009): Ein System für alle erwerbsfähigen Hilfebedürftigen? Das SGB II und seine Schnittstellen zu anderen Sozialgesetzbüchern. In: WSI-Mitteilungen, Vol. 62, No. 8, p. 439-445. DOI:10.5771/0342-300X-2009-8-439