Global Entrepreneurship Monitor : A World-wide Comparison of Business Start-Ups. National Report Germany 2008. Special Section: Germany and the Netherlands in Comparison
The National Report on Germany of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) describes and explains start-up activities in Germany for 2008 in an international comparison. The following central topics are dealt with: How do start-up activities in Germany differ from those in other countries? How and why has the extent of start-up activities changed? In which start-up-related basic conditions (financing, promotion measures, education) does Germany have specific strengths and weaknesses, compared to other countries? In the special section, start-up activities and start-up-related basic conditions in Germany and the Netherlands are compared and it is investigated which parallels and differences exist between both countries, and what lessons Germany can learn from its neighbour country in these respects. For this purpose, structural and political influencing factors as well as empirical aspects of start-up activity are illustrated. One important result of the empirical investigation is the difference in shares of start-ups. According to these, the Netherlands records stronger start-up activity than Germany. (IAB)
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Brixy, U., Hessels, J., Hundt, C., Sternberg, R. & Stüber, H. (2009): Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. Unternehmensgründungen im weltweiten Vergleich. Länderbericht Deutschland 2008. Sonderthema: Deutschland - Niederlande im Vergleich. (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. Länderbericht Deutschland 09), Hannover u.a., 45 p.