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What Statistics does the Federal Employment Agency (BA) Provide? : A Feasibility Study on a Wishlist of Gender-Sensitive Surveying and Processing of Social Security Data


The introduction of the Social Code II (SGB II) led to an abundance of research questions, amongst others, concerning the attainment of goals of gender equality. Research enterprises following this highly socially and cross-disciplinarily relevant topic, gain substance if they use an empirical basis of evaluation that is as extensive as possible. In the following it is presented where and why there are gaps in the data and what perspectives of improvement there are. Additionally, the thematic division of the Federal Employment Agency's (BA) statistics department and the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) is explained and it is demonstrated that there already are extensive possibilities of using BA and IAB data that can be carried out with reasonable effort.

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Hofmann, B. & Oertel, M. (2009): Was bietet die Statistik? Das bietet die BA. Machbarkeitsprüfung einer Wunschliste zur gendersensiblen Erfassung und Aufbereitung von SGB II-Daten. In: S. Betzelt, J. Lange & U. Rust (Hrsg.) (2009): Wer wird "aktiviert" - und warum (nicht)? : erste Erkenntnisse zur Realisierung der gleichstellungspolitischen Ziele des SGB II (Loccumer Protokolle, 2008,79), p. 51-66.