Dual occupational training: Unsolved problems despite a certain relaxation
"Compared to former years, the situation on the German vocational education and training (VET) market improved significantly in 2008. Nevertheless, the VET system is still facing problems: firstly, the educational opportunities of school dropouts and leavers with lower secondary schooling have decreased over time. If at all, they only manage to enter the VET system after attending one or more years of vocational preparation. Secondly, even after successfully attending vocational training, graduates often do not find adequate jobs. Almost 20 per cent of VET leavers subsequently become unemployed, often resulting in losses of income and the necessity of opting out of the occupation they were trained for. The current economic crisis is exacerbating these problems further.<br> This report presents trends in the German VET system since the beginning of the 1990s, focusing on mismatch and integration problems in both school-to-VET and the VET-to-work transitions." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))
Cite article
Seibert, H. & Kleinert, C. (2009): Duale Berufsausbildung: Ungelöste Probleme trotz Entspannung. (IAB-Kurzbericht 10/2009), Nürnberg, 8 p.
- Neue Ausbildungsverträge und bei der BA gemeldete Bewerber 1995 bis 2008
- Abgänger aus allgemein bildenden Schulen (Vorjahr) und Auszubildende mit Hauptschulabschluss und ohne Schulabschluss
- Betriebswechsel und Arbeitslosigkeit beim Berufseinstieg von Ausbildungsabsolventen
- Berufsfeldwechsel beim Übergang von der Ausbildung in den Beruf
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