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Analyses on the Emigration of Young People on the Grounds of Employment Perspectives : Regional Mobility for the Improvement of Labour Market Placement of Young Adults from Berlin-Brandenburg


The article investigates the regional mobility of adolescents and young adults aimed at the improvement of employment chances. Based on theoretical concepts and register data of the Federal Employment Agency, it is first analysed which strategies young people pursue in dealing with labour market risks, and secondly, in how far regional mobility leads to improvements in the individual placement on the labour market. Regarding educational attainment, the data show that particularly well-educated young people have a high probability of moving and, regarding occupational status, that unemployed people have the least probability of moving. Furthermore, the investigation results show that by moving out of the region, unemployment can be terminated earlier and the occupational placement of the employed is improved. College graduates profit most from moving, least profit is made by persons with vocational education and training degrees. (IAB)

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Seibert, H. & Buch, T. (2009): Analysen zur arbeitsmarktbedingten Abwanderung Jugendlicher. Regionale Mobilität zur Verbesserung der Arbeitsmarktplatzierung von jungen Erwachsenen aus Berlin-Brandenburg. In: W. Schubarth & K. Speck (Hrsg.) (2009): Regionale Abwanderung Jugendlicher : theoretische Analysen, empirische Befunde und politische Gegenstrategien, p. 111-133.