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Design and stratification of PASS


"The paper introduces the general design features and particularities of a new largescale panel study for research on recipients of benefits for the long-term unemployed (the so called Unemployment Benefit II) in Germany that combines a sample of 6000 recipient households with an equally large sample of the general population. Particular focus is on the sampling procedure for the general population, where a commercial database was used to draw a sample stratified by status." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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Trappmann, M., Christoph, B., Achatz, J., Wenzig, C., Müller, G. & Gebhardt, D. (2009): Design and stratification of PASS. A new panel study for research on long term unemployment. (IAB-Discussion Paper 05/2009), Nürnberg, 19 p.


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