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Qualification measures during short-time work after final job stoppage : Analyses on subsidies within the framework of the ESF-BA Programme 2000 to 2006 and on job


"In the case of definite loss of employment because of substantial works alteration, establishments can implement short-time work according to regulations in the SGB III. Short time compensations could be approved for a duration of up to two years until 2003 (Strukturkurzarbeitergeld) and since 2004 with a duration of up to one year (Transferkurzarbeitergeld). The establishments are encouraged by the law to take care of the placement of the short-time workers in new jobs and for this purpose to provide measures of vocational training if necessary. These measures could be subsidized in the framework of the ESF-BA-program from 2000 to summer 2008 and since then by the new ESF-federal-program. Thus for the evaluation of this promotion by the ESF the question arises, in how far the chances for the short-time workers to find a new job, increase with the participation in the training measures.<br> An impact analysis of vocational training during short-time work is not possible with the available data. The data bases of the BA lack person and establishment specific data on characteristics and dates of the short-time work and the short-time compensation. The few individual-related data on participations in training measures subsidized by the ESF, have several deficits and are therefore inadequate for elaborate analyses. Nevertheless, analyses on the structures and the amount of the subsidies and most notably on the status of the participants after leaving the training measures and the short-time work are presented. Even though under some reservations, basic information can be given on the results of the training measures. This includes the finding, that more than forty percent of the participants are in non-subsidized employment liable to social security one year past the training measure and also two years later. Besides this and other empirical evident results, conclusions are drawn with respect to the difficult situation with the data. Recommendations are given, which could alleviate the upcoming evaluation of the subsidy of training during short-time work in the framework of the ESF-federal-program that just started and runs until 2013." (Authors' abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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Deeke, A. & Ohlert, C. (2009): Qualifizierungsmaßnahmen während Kurzarbeit nach endgültigem Arbeitsausfall. Analysen zur Förderung im Rahmen des ESF-BA-Programms 2000 bis 2006 und zum Verbleib nach der Teilnahme. (IAB-Forschungsbericht 03/2009), Nürnberg, 68 p.


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