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Activation, employment and participation : four years of basic income support for job-seekers


"Four years after the implementation of the German labour market policy reforms, the authors overview the effects of the new basic income support scheme for job-seekers (often referred to as 'Hartz IV'). The report is based on IAB's evaluation research and offers a contextualization of previous results. One of the key questions is whether the paradigm shift from merely 'active' to 'activating' labour market policy, that includes better counselling but also makes more demands on job-seekers, contributes to a more effective integration of the unemployed into the labour market. The book closes a research gap by collating the most recent findings on important research topics: the transition from the old to the new system; the process of activation and guidance, and how it is perceived; labour market instruments and their effects; and, tentatively, the impact of the reform on the labour market. The report also includes policy recommendations and an outline for future research in the field." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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Koch, S., Kupka, P. & Steinke, J. (2009): Aktivierung, Erwerbstätigkeit und Teilhabe. Vier Jahre Grundsicherung für Arbeitsuchende. (IAB-Bibliothek 315), Bielefeld: Bertelsmann, 354 p. DOI:10.3278/300656w

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