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The labour market in Hessen in 2011 and 2012


"2011 was a good year for the labour market in Hessen. As expected, unemployment sank and in almost all sectors employment rose. The drop in underemployment was more distinct than the decline in unemployment, as the employment offices were able to clearly reduce even further short-time working allowances and the use of appropriate measures in comparison to the still high levels of the previous years. The level of employment in the manufacturing industry climbed distinctly above the level of the previous year. However the main driving force behind this growth in employment was economic services with roughly 19,000 additional employees, of whom about 3,000 employees were hired labour, while the area of financial services still remained weak. In 2012, the labour market in Hessen will show itself once from the friendly side: while unemployment will sink a bit further, the level of employment is expected to rise again slightly. Even if pessimistic expectations are fulfilled, a generally more stable labour market is to be expected for Hessen. In comparison with other Federal States nationwide, Hessen will stand out, as it has done up to now, with its somewhat below-average development in employment subject to social security contributions and a slightly above-average lowering of unemployment." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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Garloff, A. & Machnig, J. (2011): Der Arbeitsmarkt in Hessen 2011 und 2012. In: Hessisches Statistisches Landesamt (Hrsg.) (2011): Konjunkturprognose Hessen 2012 : Gemeinschaftsanalyse und -prognose der Konjunktur in Hessen, p. 38-43.


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