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Occupational success of young adults with a migration background : How educational qualifications, ethnic origin and a German passport influence the chances one has on the labour market


"For years, young adults with migration backgrounds have been said to have less chances of success on the German labour market. Here, for data reasons, most of the empirical findings to date have been based on a differentiation between German nationals and foreigners (of varied nationality). Using the German Microcensus data of the Federal Statistical Office is has been possible since 2005 to differentiate not only Germans and foreigners, but also persons with and without a migration background. In general, the latter category covers all people - independent of nationality - who have immigrated to Germany themselves or whose parents (or grandparents) immigrated to Germany. If, according to the principle of belonging to a particular nationality, there were only a good 7 million foreigners in Germany in 2007, official statistics report c. 15 million persons with a migration background. This makes it clear once and for all that the integration challenge that our country is faced with is much greater than has previously been assumed." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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Seibert, H. (2011): Berufserfolg von jungen Erwachsenen mit Migrationshintergrund: Wie Ausbildungsabschlüsse, ethnische Herkunft und ein deutscher Pass die Arbeitsmarktchancen beeinflussen. In: R. Becker (Hrsg.) (2011): Integration durch Bildung : Bildungserwerb von jungen Migranten in Deutschland, p. 197-226. DOI:10.1007/978-3-531-93232-3_9