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Wege aus der Arbeitslosigkeit - Wege in die Beschäftigung


"A detailed description of the outflow from unemployment and the entry into jobs that are subject to social-security contributions shows that the German labour market is more dynamic than it is often portrayed. The probability of leaving unemployment within a year is approximately 60 per cent. About half of this outflow is a result of people entering work. Amongst the unemployed an important segment remains out of work for more than one year. For this group substantial sociopolitical action is still needed. Some four fifths of the 24 million employees who have to pay social-security contributions remain in the same economic sector during a year. At least every fifth person changes jobs within a year. This labour-market dynamic can be viewed, from the perspective of operational flexibility, in a positive way. The drawback of this flexibility is decreased employment stability." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

Cite article

Rothe, T. (2007): Wege aus der Arbeitslosigkeit - Wege in die Beschäftigung. Eine Analyse anhand der Arbeitskräftegesamtrechnung. In: Sozialer Fortschritt, Vol. 56, No. 7/8, p. 187-194.