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Arbeitsmarkt und demografischer Wandel


"Profound changes are taking place in the German labor market. Demographic changes will lead to a decline in population growth, giving rise to a considerable aging effect in German society. The supply of labor will also be influenced by this and is expected to decrease, with older workers representing an ever-larger segment of the workforce - particularly in eastern Germany. Moreover, the structure of employment will change. The standard employment relationship will erode and employment sectors will change. In particular, the expansion of sophisticated service jobs will increase the need for highly qualified employees, whereas workers with lower qualifications will be sought less often and, in fact, already face an enormous unemployment risk today. The decrease in the supply of labor, aging workers, and greater demands for higher qualifications call for an increase in the proportion of women and older workers in employment, as well as for a more effective and stronger offering of educational and continuing educational programs. In addition, related life course policies must be reordered. The standard life course and the standard employment relationship are now rarely the status quo; alternative life courses must be institutionalized and systematic breaks, for instance, for continuing education, child care, or care of older persons, must be promoted and supported." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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Allmendinger, J. & Ebner, C. (2006): Arbeitsmarkt und demografischer Wandel. Die Zukunft der Beschäftigung in Deutschland. In: Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie, Vol. 50, No. 4, p. 227-239. DOI:10.1026/0932-4089.50.4.227