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Auswirkungen geförderter Beschäftigung auf die familiäre Arbeitsteilung


"Using the case of the “Participation in the labor market” programme as an example, the study examines the effects of subsidized employment on the amount of time male and female long-term benefit recipients spend on paid work and unpaid work at home, and on the division of labor within the household, as aspects of employability. It uses data from the survey “Quality of life and social participation”. Weighted regression analyzes for a treatment and a control group show that participation leads to a considerable additional time burden and rearrangement of the time spent on unpaid work in multiperson households. The effects are particularly large for recipients with children, and this applies equally to men and women. There are hardly any effects on the amount of time the partners spend on unpaid work, although increases in partners’ employment participation can be observed in some groups. The findings point to the importance of accompanying measures, such as parttime employment options, childcare and coaching, which support the rearrangements in the everyday lives of the participants. This is also a gender equality issue, as women, particularly the large group of single mothers among the programme participants, are especially affected by high overall time burdens." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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Achatz, J., Schels, B. & Zabel, C. (2024): Auswirkungen geförderter Beschäftigung auf die familiäre Arbeitsteilung. In: WSI-Mitteilungen, Vol. 77, No. 6, p. 477-484. DOI:10.5771/0342-300x-2024-6-477