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Übergänge in Beschäftigung und Beendigung des SGB-II-Leistungsbezugs von Müttern nach der Geburt des ersten Kindes


"Mothers with young children who receive welfare benefits find it difficult to take up employment and, in particular, to stop receiving benefits. This research report uses administrative data to analyse when mothers succeed in doing so after having their first child. Almost half of our sample of non-employed women aged 18 to 44 receiving SGB II benefits who gave birth to their first child between 2007 and 2015 is a single parent at the time of having their first child, just over half are between 18 and 24 years old, have no vocational qualifications and have never been in employment subject to social security contributions. A good third had been receiving welfare benefits for at least one year at the time of having their first child. Only 7 to 10 per cent of mothers leave benefit receipt during the first five years after childbirth and take up employment at the same time. At 37 per cent, single mothers are the most likely to take up employment without leaving welfare benefits. At 39 per cent, mothers with a partner are the most likely to leave benefit receipt without taking up employment. Overall, single mothers move into employment more frequently than mothers with a partner - with or without leaving benefits. Higher labour market resources (e.g. education) are associated with increased employment opportunities for mothers, while a longer period of welfare receipt before having their first child and non-EU citizenship are associated with lower employment opportunities. For mothers of both household types, an East German place of residence is associated with increased chances of transitioning into employment and with ending benefit receipt. The household type (cohabitation with a partner yes/no) is relevant for leaving benefit receipt. The partner's employment subject to social insurance contributions is favourable. The results point to a continued need for support among the group analysed. A large proportion of mothers are still young, lack a vocational qualification and have to develop career prospects in the first place. Services which, after providing support to stabilise everyday life, focus on career prospects in a second step, namely adequate qualification as a precondition of employment, can be the method of choice. Therefore, maintaining access to labour market policies of this group is necessary. Mothers who have already gained work experience should be supported in building on this experience as soon as possible to utilise their individual potential. Mothers who leave benefit receipt without taking up employment could be made aware of the material risks of a lack of labour market integration and supported in accessing the labour market through suitable activation offers. Depending on parents' interests, all of these measures can take effect before the child's third birthday." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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Hohmeyer, K. & Boll, C. (2024): Übergänge in Beschäftigung und Beendigung des SGB-II-Leistungsbezugs von Müttern nach der Geburt des ersten Kindes. (IAB-Forschungsbericht 19/2024), Nürnberg, 42 p. DOI:10.48720/IAB.FB.2419


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