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OnJoB: Die Online-Jobcenter-Befragung Bürgergeld


"OnJoB is the first nationwide panel survey of job centre employees in joint and municipal job centres in Germany. OnJoB surveys both at the executive board of all job centres and at a random sample of job centres and job centre employees with a focus on counselling & placement and benefit provision. OnJoB surveys the experiences and assessments of job centre employees on the topic of citizens’ income. The first survey took place in spring 2024. 3,100 employees from job centres across Germany took part in OnJoB. The respondents work in 360 job centres across Germany. Particular attention was paid to highly topical issues such as the assessment of the introduction of 100% benefit reductions in the Citizen’s Income and expectations regarding the transition of support for further vocational training to unemployment insurance. Further (planned) topics of the survey are: Attitudes towards the Citizen’s Income, holistic support (coaching), case management, waiting period, cooperation plan, conciliation, benefit reductions, administrative simplification, digitalisation, older people, further training, basic child protection, abolition of placement priority and networks. The next surveys will take place in the spring of 2025 and 2026." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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Bernhard, S., Nützel, U., Osiander, C., Ramos Lobato, P. & Zins, S. (2024): OnJoB: Die Online-Jobcenter-Befragung Bürgergeld. (IAB-Forschungsbericht 17/2024), Nürnberg, 63 p. DOI:10.48720/IAB.FB.2417


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