Postmodern practices
"Does the postmodern create a particular episteme? Is there a "postmodern habitus"? Are there concrete phenomena in society that could be identified as "postmodern"? The following articles are tracing "postmodern practices" - not only in maintaining descriptive points of views, but in analysing postmodernity mainly from a critical standpoint. Terry Eagleton opens this volume with a decisive critique of the postmodern habit. The collection is a contribution to an analysis of postmodernity as a phenomenon of late capitalism." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))
Cite article
Dörfler, T. & Globisch, C. (eds.) (2002): Postmodern practices. Beiträge zu einer vergehenden Epoche. (Diskursive Produktionen 04), Münster u.a.: LIT, 250 p.