"We begin our overview with a presentation of the history and systematic organisation of unemployment insurance as the institutionalized method of dealing with the problem of unemployment. Against this background, we then deal with the definition and measurement of unemployment, as well as the description of those groups that are most affected by it. An overview of the results of unemployment follows. Other sections are devoted to attempts to explain unemployment, an international comparison, as well as political measures in handling unemployment. We close with a - necessarily unverifiable - forecast for the future." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku) ((en))
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Allmendinger, J., Ludwig-Mayerhofer, W. & Spitznagel, E. (2012): Arbeitslosigkeit. In: G. Albrecht & A. Groenemeyer (Hrsg.) (2012): Handbuch soziale Probleme, p. 320-366.