Producing Official Statistics during the COVID-19 Pandemic
"The COVID-19 pandemic has caused significant challenges for time series analysis in official statistics, particularly for production of seasonally adjusted and trend estimates. Government restrictions on movement, policy responses and business and peoples’ responses to the pandemic caused significant movements in economic time series, as well as challenges for accurate estimation. Seasonally adjusted and trend estimates derived by decomposing time series can easily be distorted by such large movements, requiring changes to standard practices. This can include interventions using outliers in time series models, the use of forward factors for seasonal adjustment, or the suspension of outputs until structural changes can be estimated reliably. Producers of official statistics continued to provide important economic time series and appropriate interpretation of movements in these series throughout the COVID-19 pandemic but also responded by developing new outputs such as data at higher frequencies than the standard monthly or quarterly data." (Text excerpt, IAB-Doku) ((en))
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Jones, J., Ryan, L., Lanyon, A., Apostolou, M., Price, T., König, C., Volkert, M., Sakshaug, J., Mead, D., Baird, H., Elliott, D. & McLaren, C. (2023): Producing Official Statistics during the COVID-19 Pandemic. In: G. Snijkers, M. Bavdaž, S. Bender, S. MacFeely, J. Sakshaug, K. J. Thompson & A. v. Delden (Hrsg.) (2023): Advances in Business Statistics, Methods and Data Collection, p. 225-264.