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Can vocational training equalize job opportunities? : the signaling value of certificates earned by non-German and German young adults


"German vocational training certificates are presumed to guarantee access to work, especially to qualified occupational positions. But is this similarly true for young non-Germans who have completed vocational training in Germany? Do they attain job opportunities similar to German graduates of training programs? In this article, we answer these questions empirically utilizing the German Microcensus. We compare the job opportunities of trained and untrained young adults of various ethnic groups and analyze how strongly ethnic disadvantages can be compensated for by vocational training certificates. If the German vocational training system meets its charge to facilitate 'integration,' we should find that such certificates actually do provide opportunities for non-Germans similar to those for Germans. Our investigation shows, however, that especially Turkish young adults have poorer job opportunities. This indicates an 'ethnic' signal value of vocational training certificates." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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Seibert, H. & Solga, H. (2005): Gleiche Chancen dank einer abgeschlossenen Ausbildung? Zum Signalwert von Ausbildungsabschlüssen bei ausländischen und deutschen jungen Erwachsenen. In: Zeitschrift für Soziologie, Vol. 34, No. 5, p. 364-382. DOI:10.1515/zfsoz-2005-0503