Economic applications of quantile regression 2.0
This special issue of Empirical Economics combines eight empirical applications of quantile regression and related methods focusing on modeling distributional heterogeneity in outcomes. Two papers extend the applicability of quantile regression methods regarding computational improvements and multivariate responses. Making use of methodological developments over the last 2 decades, the scope of quantile regression methods has been expanded tremendously into new areas such as panel regression analysis, endogeneity, selection, or group-level heterogeneity, some of which Koenker (2005) at the time attributed to the twilight zone of quantile Regression - where there is more light today than 20 years ago. The empirical applications in economics cluster in empirical finance, labor economics with overlap into environmental economics, personnel economics, and behavioral economics, thus showing the broad applicability of quantile regression to generate novel substantive insights in economics.
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Fitzenberger, B., Koenker, R., Machado, J. & Blaise, M. (2022): Economic applications of quantile regression 2.0. In: Empirical economics, Vol. 62, No. 1, p. 1-6. DOI:10.1007/s00181-021-02186-1