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Zur Einrichtung von unabhängigen Ombudsstellen für Erwerbslose im SGB-II-Bezug


"During the hearing of the parliamentary Committee for Social Affairs, Labour and Integration on 10 August 2021, the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) issued a comment on the proposal “In Times of Pandemic, finally Install the urgently needed independent Ombuds Service for Unemployed Persons receiving Benefits under Social Code II” by the parliamentary group DIE LINKE in the Hamburg State Parliament (Bürgerschaft). Regarding that there are no studies of the IAB on exactly that topic, the comment is confined to certain aspects of benefit recipients’ contact with the jobcentres. The statement explicates the following aspects: Experiences of benefit recipients with their jobcentres based on the panel study “Labour Market and Social Security (PASS)”, results of studies on the quality of counselling using the example of “back-to-work agreements”, experiences of vulnerable benefit recipients, in particular those with mental health issues and the work of an ombuds service for a Berlin jobcentre. The authors conclude that an independent ombuds service may have a potential to serve certain benefit recipients and may help to reduce some problems. However, due to other shortcomings in counselling and supporting the unemployed, in particular with regard to vulnerable groups, the jobcentres themselves need new concepts of empowerment." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

Cite article

Kupka, P. & Senghaas, M. (2021): Zur Einrichtung von unabhängigen Ombudsstellen für Erwerbslose im SGB-II-Bezug. Stellungnahme des IAB zum Antrag der Fraktion DIE LINKE in der Hamburger Bürgerschaft bei der Anhörung im Ausschusses für Soziales, Arbeit und Integration am 10.8.2021. (IAB-Stellungnahme 07/2021), Nürnberg, 12 p.


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