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Beschäftigungsstrukturen und Potenziale der Bioökonomie in den deutschen Braunkohlerevieren


"The upcoming structural change in Lusatia, Central Germany and the Rhineland in the context of the coal phase-out offers the opportunity to develop attractive, bioeconomic business locations. This study analyzes the status quo and the development of the bioeconomy in the three active German lignite mining regions. The employment structures of the bioeconomy are evaluated and regional bioeconomy industries with specific potential are identified. Overall, about 10 percent of all employees in the regions can be directly attributed to the bioeconomy. Employment within the bioeconomy has developed dynamically in recent years. The proportion of skilled workers, including those with industrial and technical backgrounds, is comparatively high in the bioeconomy. Hence, opportunities for qualified employees of the coal industry also exist within the developing bioeconomy. Furthermore, the identified bioeconomy industries already indicate a balanced structure of the bioeconomic in the regions. Accordingly, a regionally sensitive, strategic promotion of the bioeconomy can strengthen innovation capacity and competitiveness of the regions, secure/generate employment and generally contribute to sustainable development." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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Brödner, R., Graffenberger, M., Kropp, P. & Sujata, U. (2021): Beschäftigungsstrukturen und Potenziale der Bioökonomie in den deutschen Braunkohlerevieren. (IAB-Discussion Paper 14/2021), Nürnberg, 35 p.


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