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Care-Arrangements and Parental Well-Being during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Germany


"This study examines the short-term consequences for care-arrangements and resulting changes in well-being among parents, who were affected by the closure of schools and institutional childcare during the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany. By applying multinomial logistic regression models to novel panel data from the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS-Corona_CAWI_C2), the study finds that mothers play a key role in the ad-hoc care-arrangements during the COVID-19 pandemic confirming the traditional division of family work in German couples. Moreover, the results illustrate the importance of working conditions, especially the possibility of remote work, in the bargaining processes of parents. However, contrary to our assumptions, parents’ well-being was not influenced by the chosen care-arrangement during the first months of the crisis." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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Zoch, G., Bächmann, A. & Vicari, B. (2020): Care-Arrangements and Parental Well-Being during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Germany. (LIfBi working paper 91), Bamberg, 39 p. DOI:10.5157/LIfBi:WP91:2.0