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IAB-Stellenerhebung: Betriebsbefragung zu Stellenangebot und Besetzungsprozessen, Welle 2000 bis 2017 mit Folgequartalen von 2006 bis 2018


"The IAB Job Vacancy Survey is a quarterly establishment survey representing the entire unfilled labour demand in Germany. It identifies the entire number of vacancies on the German labour market, including those vacancies that are not reported to the Federal Employment Agency (FEA). The main questionnaire enquires information about the number and structure of vacancies, future personnel requirements, about the current economic situation and the expected development of participating establishments. The additional questionnaire enquires information about the last new hiring and the last case of a failed recruitment effort. The special questionnaire enquires employer attitudes and firm use of current labour market instruments. The Research Data Centre of the Federal Employment Agency offers the data sets from the survey waves 2000 on." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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Bossler, M., Gartner, H., Kubis, A. & Küfner, B. (2020): IAB-Stellenerhebung: Betriebsbefragung zu Stellenangebot und Besetzungsprozessen, Welle 2000 bis 2017 mit Folgequartalen von 2006 bis 2018. (FDZ-Datenreport 06/2020 (de)), Nürnberg, 18 p. DOI:10.5164/


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