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Material deprivation of children


"In Germany – like in most European countries – children and adolescents are still a social group at higher risk of poverty and welfare benefit receipt. Despite recent trends of employment growth, the situation has not improved substantially. When applying both concepts – at-risk of income poverty and welfare benefit receipt – two out of ten children in Germany experience a situation with restricted financial resources. In this study children and their households with low income are compared with children in a financially secured position regarding their material living conditions and their social and cultural participation. Using the Panel of Labour Market and Social Security it is analysed whether households do not have certain goods or amenities for financial reasons (deprivation). For the first time four aspects are included that reflect the specific standard of living of children. In comparison to the situation of children living in families with a secured financial position, the living conditions of children in families receiving welfare benefits (Unemployment Benefit II) is characterized by an undersupply in almost all areas considered. However, low-income households with children only very rarely lack basic necessities. In the area of social and cultural participation and in higher-value consumer goods the deprivation can be considered higher and also differs more strongly from the situation of children who grow up in households with secured financial positions. It is also apparent that financial reserves can hardly be formed and unexpected expenses can rarely be met. Considering the child-specific aspects the data show that children tend to be better equipped with warm clothing and the possibility to invite friends than their household taken together. However, 13 per cent of school-age children in households receiving benefits do not have a quiet space at home for studying, whereas almost every child in a secured financial situation has such a space available." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

Cite article

Lietzmann, T. & Wenzig, C. (2020): Materielle Unterversorgung von Kindern. Gütersloh, 34 p.


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