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Mindestlohn für Jugendliche?


"In this statement, the IAB comments on a proposal of the SSW to the regional parliament of Schleswig-Holstein to abolish the exemption clause for young employees below the age of 18. The IAB statement discusses potential effects on youth employment as well as educational responses of young individuals. Evidence from the international and German literature is reviewed. Extrapolating existing evidence from the German minimum wage introduction to young individuals is not feasible. Therefore, predicting potential effects for German teenagers is not possible. However, there are some literature-based arguments for and against abolishing the exemption of young employees from the statutory minimum wage. On the one hand, the recent literature suggests that educational investments may increase in reaction to an expansion of the minimum wage to individuals below the age of 18. On the other hand, abolishing the exemption bears the potential risk of young individuals leaving school in favor of a low-qualified minimum wage job, thereby decreasing educational Investments." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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Bossler, M., Dietrich, H. & Kunaschk, M. (2020): Mindestlohn für Jugendliche? Mögliche Effekte einer Abschaffung der Ausnahmeregelung für jugendliche Beschäftigte vom gesetzlichen Mindestlohn in Deutschland. Stellungnahme des IAB zur schriftlichen Anhörung im Wirtschaftsausschuss des Schleswig-Holsteinischen Landtags am 16.3.2020. (IAB-Stellungnahme 02/2020), Nürnberg, 10 p.


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