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Qualität der Beschäftigung in Rheinland-Pfalz


"The quality of employment (place of work principle) in Rhineland-Palatinate is analysed in the present study by highlighting the importance and specific structural features of the individual atypical forms of employment: part-time, exclusively marginal part-time employment (agB), temporary work and low pay. The atypical employment forms part-time, part-time work and temporary work have meanwhile gained considerable importance for the labour market in Rhineland-Palatinate compared to normal employment. With the exception of part-time work, all other atypical forms of employment considered here have visibly increased in importance since 2013. Compared with the national reference values, part-time, part-time and low-wage employment are each of above-average importance for the regional labour market, while temporary employment is of slightly below-average importance. The high proportion of part-time work is not only due to the specialisation of the tertiary sector in these part-time activities, but also to the manufacturing industry. The above-average share of low-income earners can probably be explained by the high importance of low-paid helper jobs in manufacturing. It is noteworthy that the number of full-time employees has increased again in recent years, albeit not as dynamically as the national trend. Thus, the decline in the importance of the normal employment relationship has come to a standstill for the time being." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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Otto, A. (2020): Qualität der Beschäftigung in Rheinland-Pfalz. (IAB-Regional. Berichte und Analysen aus dem Regionalen Forschungsnetz. IAB Rheinland-Pfalz-Saarland 02/2019), Nürnberg, 40 p.


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