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Equality and stratification in the commune of the Northern indigenous people in Russia


"A traditional lifestyle with native Northern peoples is based on a relative social and age parity. Subject to consideration being reasons and specificity of social stratification with Russian Northern peoples. The article shows differences between processes in cities and settlements, as well as with people occupied in traditional and 'modern' activities. In schools children come across harsh stratification contrasting their traditional lifestyle. Stratification of indigenous communities is regarded as a stressor due to modernization changes." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

Cite article

Kozlova, M., Kozlov, A. & Shilov, A. (2011): Egalitarizm i stratifikaciya v obshinah korennyh severyn. In: Vestnik archeologii, antropologii i etnografii = Bulletin of archaeology, anthropology and ethnography, Vol. 14, No. 1, p. 212-218.


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