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Wirkung und Nutzen von Sanktionen in der Grundsicherung - Zur Stärkung der Rechte von Arbeitslosen


"In its statement, IAB comments first on the petition 'Enforcing the rights of people in search of employment - defer sanctioning', filed by the Green parliamentary party (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen) (parliamentary publication No. 17/3207). The petition envisions a promotion of jobseekers' own initiative by various measures, enforcing possibilities of self-direction in the process of reintegration into employment, and taking various means to ensure eye-level cooperation of jobcentres and jobseekers. Furthermore, the Green party faction calls for a moratorium on sanctions, changes in the current regulation of sanctions, and for sanctions not to be further sharpened. Lastly, conditions for high-quality assistance of jobseekers should be created, as well as for individualised case management based on sufficient human resource endowment, and various minimum professional requirements for placement officers should be implemented by law in the realm of the Social Code II. Furthermore, IAB comments on a petition filed by the Left parliamentary party (Die Linke), which calls for abolishing the existing regulations on sanctioning according to the Social Code II and restriction of benefits according to Social Code XII (parliamentary publication No. 17/5174)." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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Hofmann, B., Koch, S., Kupka, P., Rauch, A., Schreyer, F., Stops, M., Wolff, J. & Zahradnik, F. (2011): Wirkung und Nutzen von Sanktionen in der Grundsicherung - Zur Stärkung der Rechte von Arbeitslosen. Öffentliche Anhörung von Sachverständigen vor dem Ausschuss für Arbeit und Soziales des Deutschen Bundestags am 6. Juni 2011. (IAB-Stellungnahme 05/2011), Nürnberg, 17 p.


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