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Strategien entwickeln, Potenziale nutzen - Fachkräftebedarf: Angebot an Arbeitskräften wird knapper


"Preceded by a general assessment of qualified labour demand and a presentation of respective expectations for the future, the IAB comments on the following issues in the Left (Die Linke) and Green (Bündnis 90/DieGrünen) parliamentary parties' petitions: expansion of full-time schools, the concept 'DualPlus', the Green Pact for institutions of higher education, educational counselling, funding of vocational education and training by a pay-as-you-go scheme, cuts in the promotion of continued vocational education, continued education of low-qualified workers and older employees in private companies (WeGebAU programme), continued education in small- and large-sized establishments, increased employment participation of women, employment participation of elderly employees, employment participation of handicapped people, recognition of foreign-country qualifications, immigration of skilled labour, labour immigration credit system, further development of the current legal system, the Blue Card guideline, attracting international university students, general minimum wage, confining precarious forms of employment, raising Hartz IV unemployment benefits to 500 Euros, lowering the retirement age, and reduced weekly working hours.<br> In the IAB's opinion, an actual problem consists in punctual shortages of skilled labour, rather than a general lack of skilled labour which would imply that vacancies persist in many sectors. It is, however, possible that balancing processes in the labour market are being complicated in the long run, at least in particular sectors. Findings suggest that, in addition to companies' and personal strategies, political measures should be developed to secure long-term labour supply on a level as high as possible, qualitatively and quantitatively." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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Achatz, J., Brücker, H., Dietrich, H., Dietz, M., Feil, M., Haas, A., Heineck, G., König, M., Kruppe, T., Lott, M., Plicht, H., Rauch, A., Spitznagel, E., Stegmaier, J., Stops, M., Walwei, U. & Wiemers, J. (2011): Strategien entwickeln, Potenziale nutzen - Fachkräftebedarf: Angebot an Arbeitskräften wird knapper. Öffentliche Anhörung von Sachverständigen vor dem Ausschuss für Arbeit und Soziales des Deutschen Bundestags am 21. Februar 2011. (IAB-Stellungnahme 02/2011), Nürnberg, 50 p.


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