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Beschäftigungschancen verbessern - Arbeitsplätze sichern, Anpassungen zulassen


"Taking account of the current financial and economic crisis' uncertain effects on the labour market, the Federal Government intends to improve the conditions of employment. The Government's draft law envisions an extension of the regulation on the short-time work and various other employment policy measures that are meant to promote the securing and development of employment opportunities in specific ways.<br> In this statement, the IAB comments on propositions of a reregulation of transfer measures and short-time work transfers, and on the continued application of the voluntary insurance scheme. Furthermore, the Institute comments on the prolongation of<br> the regulations on the promotion of continued education and training for the elderly and low-skilled workers<br> the regulations on extended in-depth occupational orientation<br> the regulations on the 'Vocational Training Bonus' for employing apprentices from insolvent firms<br> the short-time work subsidy<br> the valid period of the integration subsidy for elderly employees<br> the valid period of secured remuneration." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))

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Deeke, A., Dietz, M., Koch, S., Kupka, P., Krug, G., Kruppe, T., Spitznagel, E., Stephan, G., Stops, M., Walwei, U. & Wießner, F. (2010): Beschäftigungschancen verbessern - Arbeitsplätze sichern, Anpassungen zulassen. Öffentliche Anhörung von Sachverständigen vor dem Ausschuss für Arbeit und Soziales des Deutschen Bundestags am 5. Juli 2010. (IAB-Stellungnahme 04/2010), Nürnberg, 14 p.


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