The Research Data Centre (FDZ) of the Federal Employment Agency at the Institute for Employment Research publishes two online publications of its own. Together with the staff of the FDZ, all authors working with the data of the Federal Employment Agency (BA) and the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) can use both series as a medium for publication. There is indication in the articles of whether the database for the report in question is publically available or not. The FDZ Reports appear in both German and English.
If you would like to publish your own contribution in these reports, please contact the FDZ
FDZ-Datenreport (FDZ Data Report)
Descriptions of sets of data of the Federal Employment Agency and of the IAB.
The FDZ Data Report series contains detailed dataset descriptions for micro data from the FDZ of the BA at IAB. These reports serve external researchers as a base for working with FDZ data. They appear in loose succession and are only published on the Internet. They can be downloaded free of charge.
FDZ-Methodenreport (FDZ Report on Methods)
Reports on methods used by the Federal Employment Agency and the IAB.
The FDZ Report on Methods deals with the methodical aspects of micro data of the FDZ of the BA at IAB. Along with staff of IAB, external researchers who work with BA and IAB data can publish their results in this medium. This publication series is regarded as "grey" literature which means that further publication in an academic journal is possible. The FDZ Report on Methods appears in loose succession and is only published on the Internet. It can be downloaded free of charge.