Articles on labour market issues
IAB Discussion Papers present work carried out by IAB as well as articles that have originated in cooperation with outside researchers. The series is also open for articles based on IAB data. It is addressed to all those with an interest in the international scientific dialogue on methods, theories and empirical aspects and who wish to inform themselves about the latest status of research as well as developments and trends.
IAB Discussion Papers are published exclusively in electronic form and predominantly in English. They appear at irregular intervals and are available for download free of charge.
Total hits 564
Identifying supervisory or managerial status in administrative records
Collischon, M. (2021): Identifying supervisory or managerial status in administrative records. (IAB-Discussion Paper 20/2021), Nürnberg, 17 p.
The COVID-19 pandemic, well-being, and transitions to post-secondary education
Sandner, M., Patzina, A., Anger, S., Bernhard, S. & Dietrich, H. (2021): The COVID-19 pandemic, well-being, and transitions to post-secondary education. (IAB-Discussion Paper 18/2021), Nürnberg, 33 p.
Socioemotional Skills and Refugees' Language Acquisition
Kosyakova, Y. & Laible, M. (2021): Socioemotional Skills and Refugees' Language Acquisition. (IAB-Discussion Paper 19/2021), Nürnberg, 54 p.
A Short History of Flexible Hours - Historical Baselines of Working Time Policy in Germany
Promberger, M. (2021): A Short History of Flexible Hours - Historical Baselines of Working Time Policy in Germany. (IAB-Discussion Paper 17/2021), Nürnberg, 27 p.
Labor Market Participation of Older Workers in International Comparison
Walwei, U. & Deller, J. (2021): Labor Market Participation of Older Workers in International Comparison. (IAB-Discussion Paper 16/2021), Nürnberg, 26 p.
The Wage Effects of Offshoring to the East and West: Evidence from Germany
Körner, K. (2021): The Wage Effects of Offshoring to the East and West: Evidence from Germany. (IAB-Discussion Paper 15/2021), Nürnberg, 67 p.
Beschäftigungsstrukturen und Potenziale der Bioökonomie in den deutschen Braunkohlerevieren
Brödner, R., Graffenberger, M., Kropp, P. & Sujata, U. (2021): Beschäftigungsstrukturen und Potenziale der Bioökonomie in den deutschen Braunkohlerevieren. (IAB-Discussion Paper 14/2021), Nürnberg, 35 p.
The Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Mental Health and Subjective Wellbeing of Workers: An Event Study Based on High-Frequency Panel Data
Schmidtke, J., Hetschko, C., Schöb, R., Stephan, G., Eid, M. & Lawes, M. (2021): The Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Mental Health and Subjective Wellbeing of Workers: An Event Study Based on High-Frequency Panel Data. (IAB-Discussion Paper 13/2021), Nürnberg, 81 p.
Neither Backlash nor Convergence: Dynamics of Intracouple Childcare Division after the First Covid-19 Lockdown and Subsequent Reopening in Germany
Boll, C., Müller, D. & Schüller, S. (2021): Neither Backlash nor Convergence: Dynamics of Intracouple Childcare Division after the First Covid-19 Lockdown and Subsequent Reopening in Germany. (IAB-Discussion Paper 12/2021), Nürnberg, 29 p.
International Trade, Intellectual Property Rights and the (Un)employment of Migrants
Guichard, L. & Stepanok, I. (2021): International Trade, Intellectual Property Rights and the (Un)employment of Migrants. (IAB-Discussion Paper 11/2021), Nürnberg, 36 p.
Lockdown length and strength: labour-market effects in Germany during the COVID-19 pandemic
Bauer, A. & Weber, E. (2021): Lockdown length and strength: labour-market effects in Germany during the COVID-19 pandemic. (IAB-Discussion Paper 10/2021), Nürnberg, 29 p.
FDI and Onshore Employment Dynamics
Körner, K., Moritz, M. & Schäffler, J. (2021): FDI and Onshore Employment Dynamics. Evidence from German Firms with Affiliates in the Czech Republic. (IAB-Discussion Paper 09/2021), Nürnberg, 48 p.
Who Suffers the Greatest Loss? Costs of Job Displacement for Migrants and Natives
Illing, H. & Koch, T. (2021): Who Suffers the Greatest Loss? Costs of Job Displacement for Migrants and Natives. (IAB-Discussion Paper 08/2021), Nürnberg, 63 p.
Industry interconnectedness and regional economic growth in Germany
Shutters, S., Seibert, H., Alm, B. & Waters, K. (2021): Industry interconnectedness and regional economic growth in Germany. (IAB-Discussion Paper 07/2021), Nürnberg, 18 p.
Central Exams and Adult Skills: Evidence from PIAAC
Leschnig, L., Schwerdt, G. & Zigova, K. (2021): Central Exams and Adult Skills: Evidence from PIAAC. (IAB-Discussion Paper 06/2021), Nürnberg, 49 p.
Temporary overpessimism: Job loss expectations following a large negative employment shock
Emmler, J. & Fitzenberger, B. (2021): Temporary overpessimism: Job loss expectations following a large negative employment shock. (IAB-Discussion Paper 05/2021), Nürnberg, 51 p.
Gender Differences in Reduced Well-being during the COVID-19 Pandemic – the Role of Working Conditions
Zoch, G., Bächmann, A. & Vicari, B. (2021): Gender Differences in Reduced Well-being during the COVID-19 Pandemic – the Role of Working Conditions. (IAB-Discussion Paper 04/2021), Nürnberg, 45 p.
The effects of private versus public health insurance on health and labor market outcomes
Dauth, C. (2021): The effects of private versus public health insurance on health and labor market outcomes. (IAB-Discussion Paper 03/2021), Nürnberg, 31 p.
Does Online Search Improve the Match Quality of New Hires?
Gürtzgen, N., Lochner, B., Pohlan, L. & van den Berg, G. (2021): Does Online Search Improve the Match Quality of New Hires? (IAB-Discussion Paper 02/2021), Nürnberg, 66 p.
Matching for three: big data evidence on search activity of workers, firms, and employment service
Hartl, T., Hutter, C. & Weber, E. (2021): Matching for three: big data evidence on search activity of workers, firms, and employment service. (IAB-Discussion Paper 01/2021), Nürnberg, 14 p.